I know you are a lover of my superior latex games. It's one of my favourites too, I so enjoy seeing the frantic panic in those bulging eyes from my breathtaking hands. Today I have a slave on my table, I have him tightly wrapped in clingfilm, then completely and securely bound in red pvc tape. There's no escape and he will be completely at my mercy. I also wrapped tape around his head and face, leaving a tiny space at his mouth to allow him some air. I know my bitch is going to get very hot in his sensory deprivation, that's the way I like it. He's going to suffer ...
I know you are a lover of my superior latex games. It's one of my favourites too, I so enjoy seeing the frantic panic in those bulging eyes from my breathtaking hands. Today I have a slave on my table, I have him tightly wrapped in clingfilm, then completely and securely bound in red pvc tape. There's no escape and he will be completely at my mercy. I also wrapped tape around his head and face, leaving a tiny space at his mouth to allow him some air. I know my bitch is going to get very hot in his sensory deprivation, that's the way I like it. He's going to suffer and I will enjoy every minute of it. To begin I give him some hand over mouth smother, it's a great warm up to get me going. As my bitch gasps and tries to struggle, I tighten my grip around his mouth. After a short while, I decide to add my favourite accessory, and bring out my sexy latex gloves. They are so tight, and I love that sound as I stretch them over my fingers and pull them onto my hands. I'm going to enjoy smothering my bitch as I place my hands over his mouth. His gasping sounds get louder as he desperately sucks for air. I allow him a short reprieve, as I shove my fingers into his mouth making him choke. It's such a beautiful game, and I'm going to keep my bitch in bondage all day as I continue with his breathtaking latex suffering...
Ehi tu, so che ci sei, e so che adori guardarmi, durante i miei sadici giochi, vestita in latex. Anche Io, Mistress Gaia, amo il latex. Come amo vedere il panico frenetico in quegli occhi, provocato dalle mie mani mozzafiato. Ho uno schiavo sul mio tavolo, avvolto strettamente nella pellicola trasparente e saldamente legato con un nastro di pvc rosso. Non puo' fuggire, e' completamente alla mia mercé. Ho anche avvolto del nastro adesivo intorno alla sua testa e al suo viso, lasciando un piccolo spazio alla bocca per permettergli di respirare. La mia puttanella soffrira' molto della pratica della deprivazione sensoriale nel suo caldo e arroventato bozzolo, soffrira' per Me, per il mio assoluto piacere. Gli metto una mano sopra la bocca, ed in poco tempo la mia troietta boccheggia, provando a lottare per liberarsi dalla mia stretta presa. Poi, vesto le mie mani di un seducente paio di guanti in latex, stretti, allungandoli e stendendoli lentamente per calzarli sulle mie dita. Soffoco di nuovo la mia puttanella, il suo respiro e' sempre piu' affannoso per la mancanza d' aria. Gli infilo in bocca le mie dita, una per una, provocandogli un doloroso soffocamento. Questo gioco mi diverte come non mai, non vorrei mai smettere per l' eccitazione che mi dona. E cosi', per tutto il giorno terro' la mia troietta in schiavitu', governando la sua respirazione a mio piacimento, con le mie armi in latex, le mie mani mozzafiato...