CUSTOM REQUEST - The slave should be pretty, small and very thin, so that you can lift it up and carry her with extreme ease. You can use masks to make it unrecognizable completely the face. I would like you to wear a skimpy body thong or black in color and the girl only one string thong colored, which she would tear off her shortly after the start of the video.The video might start like this: You find the girl inside her room and gets angry because the she had forbidden to do so. Then, for the entire duration of the video, slaps her, insults her names an...
CUSTOM REQUEST - The slave should be pretty, small and very thin, so that you can lift it up and carry her with extreme ease. You can use masks to make it unrecognizable completely the face. I would like you to wear a skimpy body thong or black in color and the girl only one string thong colored, which she would tear off her shortly after the start of the video.The video might start like this: You find the girl inside her room and gets angry because the she had forbidden to do so. Then, for the entire duration of the video, slaps her, insults her names and grabs her crotch from behind, squeezes her lightly, she moves her hand back and forth, more or less quickly, he lifts it and carries it (a couple of times putting them whole arm in front of her, all other times with hand on crotch) During this specific type of lifting transport he rocks it, back and forth, pretending to throw it, and laughs blissfully, from time to time. At the beginning of her lifting, she yells at her ; the girl he answers . After having lifted her, she yells at her the girl starts moaning for her pleasure. As she swings her, she yells at her again,you filthy bitch, and then I'll fuck you>; the girl replies "nooo She should also pick her up like a (cradle lift), pretending to console her, just once, maybe around the middle of the session...
La schiava dovrebbe essere carina, piccola e molto magra,
cosicché Lei possa sollevarla e trasportarla con estrema facilità. Desiderandolo, potrete usare mascherine per non rendere riconoscibile completamente il volto. Gradirei che Lei indossasse un bodyperizoma succinct o di colore nero e la ragazza soltanto un
perizoma string colorato, Lei trova la ragazza all'interno della Sua stanza e si arrabbia perché le aveva proibito di farlo. Quindi, per l'intera durata del video, Lei le da leggere sberle, la insulta la afferra per il cavallo da dietro, la stringe lievemente, muove la mano avanti e indietro, più o meno velocemente, la solleva e la trasporta (un paio di volte mettendole l'intero braccio sul davanti, tutte le altre volte con la mano sull'inguine) nei modi raffigurati nelle foto sottostanti, soprattutto nel modo raffigurato nella prima delle tre foto allegate. Durante questo specifico tipo di sollevamento e trasporto la dondola, avanti e indietro, fingendo di lanciarla, e ride beatamente, di tanto in tanto. All'inizio del sollevamento Lei le grida ; la ragazza risponde . Dopo averla sollevata, le urla ; la ragazza inizia a gemere per il piacere. Mentre la dondola, le grida ; la ragazza replica “nooo” Dovrebbe anche prenderla in braccio come una bambina (cradle lift), fingendo di consolarla, per una sola volta, magari attorno alla metà della sessione...