Today I want to have fun and also make an experiment with my personal slave: I want to test the resistance of his balls to traction. I have put him on all fours and tied his testicles very tight with an elastic rope that I have then attached to the hoist. His balls are fully exposed and I have left him in that position for almost half an hour, while I was working at the computer. Now I’m back, his balls are almost black: it’s time to start the experiment. I’m going to whip him in that po...
Today I want to have fun and also make an experiment with my personal slave: I want to test the resistance of his balls to traction. I have put him on all fours and tied his testicles very tight with an elastic rope that I have then attached to the hoist. His balls are fully exposed and I have left him in that position for almost half an hour, while I was working at the computer. Now I’m back, his balls are almost black: it’s time to start the experiment. I’m going to whip him in that position; if he moves, he puts his balls definitively at risk!! I start hitting his back with my single tail. The tip of the whip is stinging his skin and he starts squealing and wiggling. I tell him that, each time he cries or moves, I will pull up his balls a little more with the hoist. I increase the intensity of my strokes and he cannot help crying; I’m having a lot of fun watching him to try not to loose his balance each time I lift the hoist. In the meantime the whipping continues: his back is now red, while his balls are dark blue. Since he cannot stop complaining, I have to pull up his balls more and more: he is standing now. I go on whipping his back. One more pull up and he is on his tiptoes, trembling, trying desperately not to fall down. To make things even worse for him, I handcuff his wrists on his back, so that he cannot use his arm to keep his balance. The experiment is successful, his balls are still attached to his body. I leave him there, let’s see how long he can resist.
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Oggi voglio proprio divertirmi col mio schiavo personale ed anche fare un esperimento: testare la resistenza a trazione delle sue palle. L’ho fatto mettere a quattro zampe e gli ho legato stretti i testicoli con una corda elastica che ho collegato al paranco. Le sue palle sono cosi’ completamente esposte e l’ho lasciato in quella posizione per oltre mezz’ora mentre lavoravo al PC. Ora sono di ritorno, le sue palle sono diventate quasi nere ed e’ il momento di iniziare l’esperimento. Ho intenzione di frustarlo in quella posizione; se si muove, le sue palle saranno di sicuro a rischio!! Comincio a colpirlo sulla schiena con la mia single tail. La punta della frusta gli brucia la pelle e lui comincia ad agitarsi e gridare. Gli dico che, ogni volta che grida o si muove, daro’ una tirata alle sue palle col paranco. Aumento la forza e l’intensita’ delle frustate e lui non puo’ fare a meno di gridare. Mi sto proprio divertendo a vedere come cerca di mantenersi in equilibrio ogni volta che sollevo il paranco. Continuo a frustarlo; la sua schiena e’ ormai rossa mentre le sue palle sono blu scuro. Dato che non riesce a stare zitto, sono costretta a sollevare il paranco, e quindi le sue palle, sempre di piu’; ora lo schiavo e’ in piedi. I colpi si susseguono implacabili. Aziono ancora il paranco e si lui si ritrova in punta di piedi, tremante, nel disperato tentativo di non cadere. Per rendergli le cose ancora piu’ difficili, gli ammanetto i polsi dietro la schiena, in modo che non possa usare le braccia per mantenersi in equilibrio. L’esperimento ha avuto successo: le sue palle sono ancora attaccate al corpo. Lo lascio li, vediamo quanto potra’ ancora resistere!!!