Bored, Miss Regina lights a sigarillo. In a corner the slave “codino” meditates, crying on his refusal to be hot branded.
Suddenly you can hear “Miss Regina, Miss Regina, please, I beg your pardon”
But for the shrewd Miss Regina this is not enough and she insists asking him ”So, give me a good reason to pardon you”
“Codino” throws himself at her feet and accepts to be hot branded “It is true, I must bear the brand of my Mistress” and the slave declares he is ready to be branded.
Annoiata, Miss Regina si accende un sigarillo. In un angolo lo schiavo “codino” medita, piangendo, sul...
Bored, Miss Regina lights a sigarillo. In a corner the slave “codino” meditates, crying on his refusal to be hot branded.
Suddenly you can hear “Miss Regina, Miss Regina, please, I beg your pardon”
But for the shrewd Miss Regina this is not enough and she insists asking him ”So, give me a good reason to pardon you”
“Codino” throws himself at her feet and accepts to be hot branded “It is true, I must bear the brand of my Mistress” and the slave declares he is ready to be branded.
Annoiata, Miss Regina si accende un sigarillo. In un angolo lo schiavo “codino” medita, piangendo, sul...