If you have Ever wondered if you have a small penis then this clip should straighten that out for you. I go through several scenarios that will enlighten even the most dense about the nature of a small cocked individual. you notice I didnt say man, but I cover all that in the clip.
Get it and sit back and prepare to be schooled on if you are a member of the itty bitty pee pee population. I even get so perturbed about chatting about littke dicks it gets to ME at by the end.
So pathetic it boggles the mind to imagine the existances of you endowment challenged.
If you have Ever wondered if you have a small penis then this clip should straighten that out for you. I go through several scenarios that will enlighten even the most dense about the nature of a small cocked individual. you notice I didnt say man, but I cover all that in the clip.
Get it and sit back and prepare to be schooled on if you are a member of the itty bitty pee pee population. I even get so perturbed about chatting about littke dicks it gets to ME at by the end.
So pathetic it boggles the mind to imagine the existances of you endowment challenged.