This time I want to have some special fun with my dirty slavewhore! I am attaching a strong chain to his neck and telling him that he has to become my bear today. See how stupid this piece of looks while imitating a bear! I explain him that today he has to be my dancing bear and I will train him the hard, original romanian way. He is ordered to step onto a very hot hotplate and because his feet are burning as hell he is dancing for me out of his own will. See how red his burned feet are but I have absolutely no me...
This time I want to have some special fun with my dirty slavewhore! I am attaching a strong chain to his neck and telling him that he has to become my bear today. See how stupid this piece of looks while imitating a bear! I explain him that today he has to be my dancing bear and I will train him the hard, original romanian way. He is ordered to step onto a very hot hotplate and because his feet are burning as hell he is dancing for me out of his own will. See how red his burned feet are but I have absolutely no mercy and so he has to get up onto the hotplate once more. And he dances again and again for my fun. He is screaming in pain and he can`t take the pain any longer but I want more! Back on the still very hot plate you can see how ridiculous he really is and how hard he is trying to please me by doing whatever I want him to do! He deserves a last round and while I am counting him down he dances for me and I am laughing out so loud! At the end I had enough fun with my stupid slave so that I am leaving him until I need him again.
Dieses Mal möchte ich besonderen Spaß mit der dreckigen Sklavenhure erleben! Ich lege ihn an eine schwere Eisenkette und lasse ihn nun einen Bären imitieren. Da er so bescheuert aussieht, erkläre ich ihm, dass er heute mein Tanzbär sein wird und das ich ihn nach änischer Art ausbilden werde. Ich befehle ihm auf eine heiße Herdplatte zu steigen und da seine Füße anfangen zu brennen, fängt er ganz von alleine an für mich zu tanzen. Schau dir seine verbrannten Füße an! Da ich keine Gnade kenne, schicke ihn zurück auf d ie Platte um wieder zu tanzen. Er schreit vor Schmerzen und kann sie kaum ertragen, aber ich möchte mehr! Zurück auf der heißen Platte versucht dieser lächerliche Idiot mir zu gefallen! Er verdient eine erneute Runde und während ich rückwärts zähle, tanzt er wieder für mich. Am Ende hatte ich vorerst genug Spaß und lasse ihn zurück, bis ich mich erneut amüsieren will.