Mistress Omega and Goddess Heather - fun with food! Mistress Omega and Goddess Heather CRUSH pearly white eggs under thier feet... crunching them between thier toes and smashing them to oblivian. Eggs placed between Goddess Heather heel and shoe...the slow crack of the egg splits open and runs down the 7inch heel. Mistress Omega snaps a high heel down on an egg and the screaming pop of the eggs continue to nothingness!
Mistress Omega and Goddess Heather - fun with food! Mistress Omega and Goddess Heather CRUSH pearly white eggs under thier feet... crunching them between thier toes and smashing them to oblivian. Eggs placed between Goddess Heather heel and shoe...the slow crack of the egg splits open and runs down the 7inch heel. Mistress Omega snaps a high heel down on an egg and the screaming pop of the eggs continue to nothingness!