In your day to day life you might have it all together. You might be relied upon at work or home and have things expects of you for being a "man".
Here and now I will strip you of all your responsibilities and stress. Now you just do as you are instructed. No thoughts, no feelings just actions. No worries or cares about anything else except your duty to your Mistress. It feels so freeing to just give in and let go and be my 100% mindless robotic slave.
In your day to day life you might have it all together. You might be relied upon at work or home and have things expects of you for being a "man".
Here and now I will strip you of all your responsibilities and stress. Now you just do as you are instructed. No thoughts, no feelings just actions. No worries or cares about anything else except your duty to your Mistress. It feels so freeing to just give in and let go and be my 100% mindless robotic slave.