Good afternoon, somebody in your family sent these flowers for you! How are you feeling today? Actually, I don’t give a sht how how you’re feeling! You and your male privilege is taxing on humanity. We still haven’t found a cure yet! And it would take hundreds and hundreds of years to cure the male ego, which is the root of this virus. Male ego traits - I should subject you...
Time for your treatment. Time for your treatment. Breathe it in.
You fuckin’ male peon! Get ready. Just have to take a — before I get that F matter ready. I know you want to be a human toy let day a...
Good afternoon, somebody in your family sent these flowers for you! How are you feeling today? Actually, I don’t give a sht how how you’re feeling! You and your male privilege is taxing on humanity. We still haven’t found a cure yet! And it would take hundreds and hundreds of years to cure the male ego, which is the root of this virus. Male ego traits - I should subject you...
Time for your treatment. Time for your treatment. Breathe it in.
You fuckin’ male peon! Get ready. Just have to take a — before I get that F matter ready. I know you want to be a human toy let day after day after day... Hehe!
How are you feeling? Your wife sent you these beautiful flowers. Isn’t that sweet! I just love it when women send their boyfriends or husbands something feminine. Anyway I’m gonna prop you up, okay? You do seem a bit drowsy. So let’s just get you up a bit. Can you see me okay now? You do look a bit drowsy. Anyway, this is great news. We have found a vaccine for Covid. I know! You heard me, didn’t you? Great. Um, it can be a bit unorthodox in viewpoint to some of our patients. And quite frankly some have actually refused treatment or they had a really hard time accepting it. Anyway, to cut to the chase, it —it is F matter. I hope you’re not gonna freak out. Anyway your wife already signed the paperwork because she’s next of kin and quite frankly I am one of those nurses that just believes in getting rid of this fucking virus already because well, I am worn out. OK? And you’re gonna take this treatment. But you can look over the paperwork just so it familiarizes you with it. Mhm.
There’s no way out now honey.
Don’t you remember? All the things I’ve put you through while you’ve been here? Perhaps just one whiff will jog your memory. Yeah, you know they say that smell conjures up the deepest memories. It's the easiest sense to trigger. Hahaha! You’ve been eating my s for months! Come on... I’ll show you how I did it.
I showed you my little F sample... Teased you... Showed you where it comes from. That’s right. It comes right out of my ass. And I got you to consume —willingly! Yes. You consumed very willingly. Human fucking toy... Hahahaha! Mmm... You have no other purpose in this life now. Your life has been signed away just the same as it’s been for months. Come on, here it is... Breathe in your medicine. Breathe it in! You’re gonna take that F sample and you’re gonna enjoy it. Give it a nice lick. Mmm... I know you just love being a toy... Ah, you love being a little fucking dumpster for my waste. Give it a nice lick. You’re gonna take your tongue and you’re gonna lick every crevice on this tube. Lick! Get all those little places around and inside. Stick your fucking tongue out. Stick it out and swish it around. Aw, don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone. I know it really turns you on...
The catharsis. The afterglow of humility after basking in your futility of power. You never had it anyway. I’ll grant you this worship for your fortitude and with humiliation, degradation, and servitude beneath Me you will know when you’ve achieved the goal. A piece of Me in you. Sometimes invisible. Other times tangible. Forever transient. You’ve always known what this has meant. You will never be a Goddess. That’s why you worship one. Now lick, you peon. Yes... human toy let this is just one more f sample. I warn you though. If you don’t perform well at this I’m gonna keep you in that straitjacket and I’m just gonna take a big dump in your mouth. And if you still become a little bitch about it I'll just put it in an IV for you. Mhm! But I know you’re gonna be to be a good toilet. That’s what you want to be. You’ll be doing a service for the world finally! You should be punished and pay by doing a service for the world as a fucking toilet!
You are nothing. You are beneath Me. You should be so grateful to get even a speck of — any — part of Me. Remember— peon — even when that speck is within you it is only temporary. You will be back for more. Even if I were to release you from this ward— I mean hospital! Same thing honey. Aw... Don’t worry. This can be our little secret I suppose but, oh right, by the way, you know how your wife signed those papers? Yeah, she’s a bit sick of you. I told her what I was doing. She was like, “That’s fucking hilarious. Send me some pics.” There’s all kinds of photos of you. Nothing incriminating Me of course. Gosh, you even had the desire to get out of your bed somedays and try to sniff My ass while I was working. Of course, I quickly slapped you in the face. Mhm. And often I fed you ___. Ahahah! Oh, so I’d be real careful about your behavior in here. You wouldn’t want to be turned into a ___ or something of the sort now would you? I didn’t think so. You see, there’s a fine, gorgeous difference between that kind of thing and being permitted —being given the privilege of consuming a speck of Me. A morsel of s, a sample of F matter that you think is gonna cure you. You’re never gonna be cured honey! There’s no cure for your fetish. I mean, the male ego!
“Oh, hi doctor. No, he’s not. It- it didn’t work for him. Yeah, I know. It’s too bad isn’t it? We’ll have to give him another treatment. Yeah. All right. I'll see you at lunch. I think we have the same shift. Cool.”
Did you hear that? Why would the doctor come in here to check on you? ......
A Piece of Me is one journey within Mistress Pomf’s Choose-Your-Own-Femdom-Adventure series A Cure for the Male Ego. This series presents a selection of various submissive journeys guided by Nurse Pomf’s unpredictable and manic energy. More journeys might be added to A Cure for the Male Ego than the options currently presented in its premiere. So stay tuned! Custom clips are also an option, so reach out if interested.
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