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I kept punching my unruly slave. I hit him with bursts of punches in the belly until he fell to the ground. I also alternated kicks on the stomach and a few knees on the balls until he collapsed to the ground like a worm.
Ho continuato a riempire di pugni il mio schiavo indisciplinato. Lo colpivo con raffiche di pugni sulla pancia finché cadeva a terra. Alternavo anche calci sulla pancia e qualche ginocchiata sulle palle finché si accasciava a terra come un verme .
I kept punching my unruly slave. I hit him with bursts of punches in the belly until he fell to the ground. I also alternated kicks on the stomach and a few knees on the balls until he collapsed to the ground like a worm.
Ho continuato a riempire di pugni il mio schiavo indisciplinato. Lo colpivo con raffiche di pugni sulla pancia finché cadeva a terra. Alternavo anche calci sulla pancia e qualche ginocchiata sulle palle finché si accasciava a terra come un verme .
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