Every driving and catch an old tune that just makes you start singing along, ever catch an old tv show that though you've seen it you still watch... well it's been 5 years wow time flies since Treasure's Chest busted out onto the scene but even without my "GIRLS" old videos of me minus the changes features an all too familiar site... ME being sexy, strong, and such a tease dancing and moving like only me can...( Sexy Strip Tease, Flexing)
Every driving and catch an old tune that just makes you start singing along, ever catch an old tv show that though you've seen it you still watch... well it's been 5 years wow time flies since Treasure's Chest busted out onto the scene but even without my "GIRLS" old videos of me minus the changes features an all too familiar site... ME being sexy, strong, and such a tease dancing and moving like only me can...( Sexy Strip Tease, Flexing)