Mistress Victoria has invited Her friend Mistress Viola over to Her dungeon and has decided to entertain Her friend with a nice ballbusting party! Her most pathetic slave has been ordered to stay still as both Mistresses have Their fun turning his balls blue. Both of Them are dressed completely in leather and Their boots are ready to annihilate this idiotic slave's balls and cock. Mistress Victoria begins, dealing a series of kicks to the slave's balls, and then is joined by Her friend as the slave keeps on thanking his Mistresses for having so much fun with him. The two Mistresses alternat...
Mistress Victoria has invited Her friend Mistress Viola over to Her dungeon and has decided to entertain Her friend with a nice ballbusting party! Her most pathetic slave has been ordered to stay still as both Mistresses have Their fun turning his balls blue. Both of Them are dressed completely in leather and Their boots are ready to annihilate this idiotic slave's balls and cock. Mistress Victoria begins, dealing a series of kicks to the slave's balls, and then is joined by Her friend as the slave keeps on thanking his Mistresses for having so much fun with him. The two Mistresses alternate in giving the worthless slave's balls kicks and knees, laughing at his pathetic cries as his balls begin to change color under the powerful blows of Mistress Victoria and Her friend. To deal some targeted damage when the slave tries to run away, They grab and squeeze and pull his cock and balls, making him yell in pain. The two Mistresses keep on hitting him and his cock and balls, until They are finally satisfied with the slave's suffering and he has been completely annihilated under the blows of Mistress Victoria and Her friend.
Mistress Victoria ha invitato la Sua amica Mistress Viola al dungeon, e per intrattenerLa ha organizzato un ballbusting party! Il Suo schiavo più patetico ha ricevuto l'ordine di stare il più fermo possibile mentre entrambe le Padrone si divertono a fargli diventare i coglioni blu. Entrambe sono vestite in pelle e i Loro stivali sono pronti ad annientare le palle e il cazzo di questo patetico schiavo. Mistress Victoria apre le danze, dando una serie di calci violenti alle palle dello schiavo, e poi a Lei si unisce la Sua amica, mentre lo schiavo ringrazia le sue Padrone per il divertimento che provano nel torturarlo. Le due Mistress si alternano a prendere a calci e ginocchiate i coglioni dell'inutile schiavo, ridendo delle sue patetiche urla mentre le sue palle cambiano colore sotto i potenti colpi di Mistress Victoria e della Sua amica. Per infliggere del dolore più mirato quando lo schiavo tenta di allontanarsi dai colpi, gli prendono e strizzano allo stesso tempo il cazzetto e le palle, facendolo urlare di dolore. Le due Padrone continuano a colpirlo e a torturargli il cazzo e le palle, finché non sono soddisfatte del dolore dello schiavo ed è stato completamente annichilito sotto i colpi di Mistress Victoria e della Sua amica.