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Watching my calves as I stand at the kitchen sink
My Rating:
Runtime: 7 minutes
Category: Muscular Women
Date Added: 01/09/10, 07:27 PM


Every calf lover I know likes to stand behind a woman with muscular calves as she does the simplest things, such as standing in front of the sink, doing a few dishes and going up hard on tiptoes to see what the birds are doing. You see that and more in this clip, with me wearing the gorgeous gray and black pumps with the threefold little bow on the toes I got in Florida. I do lots of going up on tiptoe and lots and lots of foot play, making the delightful and sucking sound of my foot going into my pumps. I know you love this added element. It's a treat for the eyes and ears, this clip. Get it ...
Watching my calves as I stand at the kitchen sink

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