2 Pro-Style: VeVe Dominates Mia Annabella AND VeVe Dom Crazy Azy
My Rating:
Runtime: 32 minutes
Date Added: 12/27/2017


This is 2 separate female pro-style wrestling domination matches, both featuring ladies with bare feet and bare legs. In each match, heel VeVe Lane thoroughly dominates a hapless lady jobber with pro wrestling holds. These matches are:

1. VeVe Dominates Mia Annabella (11 minutes). VeVe torments loud-mouth Mia with Camel Clutches (x3), flip-over Indian (x2), matchbook pins, the back grab, school girl pin, full nelson, and Dragon along with some lovely face-squeezing while Mia is in the holds. Mia groans, moans, and cries out loudly in the holds and must finally admit defeat and be v...

2 Pro-Style: VeVe Dominates Mia Annabella AND VeVe Dom Crazy Azy

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