3 Kinzie Matches: Sweetie vs Kinzie AND Michi vs Kinzie AND Aralia vs Kinzie. Oct 2016
My Rating:
Category: Female Wrestling
Runtime: 70 minutes
Date Added: 10/7/2016


This is a set of Kinzie Fire's 3 matches from our October 2016 Live Filming Event. In these competitive submission wrestling matches, Kinzie fights opponents from across the weight-class spectrum, all of whom are newcomers to the scene, like herself. The matches and their results are as varied as her opponents. These matches include:

1. Sweetie Dreams (226 lbs) vs Kinzie (160 lbs)
2. Michi Moon (140 lbs) vs Kinzie
3. Aralia (115 lbs) vs Kinzie

Kinzie had more matches than any of her colleagues this day, with this total of 3. In the 1st match, she faces the...

3 Kinzie Matches: Sweetie vs Kinzie AND Michi vs Kinzie AND Aralia vs Kinzie. Oct 2016

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