MMA-Style: VeVe Lane vs Mark. Competitive Mixed Fighting non-stop rounds
My Rating:
Category: Mixed Wrestling
Runtime: 28 minutes
Date Added: 11/6/2018


A competitive mixed MMA-style match with "non-stop rounds" featuring VeVe Lane vs Mark of Brutal Beauties!

The Conditions : Both competitors wear MMA gloves for this athletic and energetic bout, where they can use punches to the face or body, elbows and knee strikes to the body, and all wrestling submission holds. Submissions can be from holds or from strikes. After any submission, the attacker releases the grip and the match continues from there, without resetting from neutral ("non-stop rounds" format); a brutal format that's even harder when strikes are involved. Two 10-minute ...

MMA-Style: VeVe Lane vs Mark. Competitive Mixed Fighting non-stop rounds

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