In the world of scissoring, Lia Labowe stands alone. In tiny top and booty shorts, Lia destroys her victim in this two-part squeeze-down, announcing her simple intention: "SCISSORS!" Lia scoops the big dope's head into her thighs and applies full pressure, laughing "SQUEEZE!" as her long legs bulge with lean muscle! In singsong voice, Lia coos "Reverse headscissors are my favorite!" as she nearly ends him with one, then lays the leg to him in straight scissors, figure fours, triangle chokes, each grueling grip smothering him with pulsating power and repeated tapouts until he can take no more. ...
In the world of scissoring, Lia Labowe stands alone. In tiny top and booty shorts, Lia destroys her victim in this two-part squeeze-down, announcing her simple intention: "SCISSORS!" Lia scoops the big dope's head into her thighs and applies full pressure, laughing "SQUEEZE!" as her long legs bulge with lean muscle! In singsong voice, Lia coos "Reverse headscissors are my favorite!" as she nearly ends him with one, then lays the leg to him in straight scissors, figure fours, triangle chokes, each grueling grip smothering him with pulsating power and repeated tapouts until he can take no more. ...