In This Video: Role Play • VR Workout Fail • Stuffing • Chugging • Messy Eating • Chugging Sauces • Eating Healthy Fail • Sweating • Farting • Burping • Ass Shots • Tight Clothes • Fat Bouncing • Fat Chat • Loss of Control ~ 34 Minutes
Role Play Scenario:
In an attempt to be a bit more active and healthy, Mochii decided to start her day off with a fruit smoothie and a VR workout ...Little did she know her inner glutton would prove to make this VERY difficult!
With her willpower being practically non existent she loaded up her "fr...
In This Video: Role Play • VR Workout Fail • Stuffing • Chugging • Messy Eating • Chugging Sauces • Eating Healthy Fail • Sweating • Farting • Burping • Ass Shots • Tight Clothes • Fat Bouncing • Fat Chat • Loss of Control ~ 34 Minutes
Role Play Scenario:
In an attempt to be a bit more active and healthy, Mochii decided to start her day off with a fruit smoothie and a VR workout ...Little did she know her inner glutton would prove to make this VERY difficult!
With her willpower being practically non existent she loaded up her "fruit smoothie" with tons of sugar, whole milk and heavy cream ...Making it more of a gain shake than a healthy drink...
Waddling her way to the living room, already tired she prepared for her first workout in a LONG time
She tries doing a VR workout and quickly becomes exhausted , her huge fat gut weighing her down and bouncing with every movement . It wasn't long before she needs to take a rest and realizes she's STARVING!
Knowing she needs to start eating healthier she brings over a salad and begins to reluctantly take a few bites . Visibly grossed out she tries covering the salad in ranch but it's still not enough...
Like always she's craving greasy, cheesy food ...and she remembers she has left over pizza in the fridge!
"One or two slices couldn't hurt" she said as she waddled her ever widening frame into the kitchen, grabbing the pizza and a liter of sugary coke...
After lathering two slices in garlic butter and ranch she downs them both then struggles to get her fat ass off the couch to try her workout again..
The routine is even HARDER this time, her bulging belly now completely popped out of her shorts , with her over bloated arms barely able to keep up with the instructors motions..
After a few minutes she collapses back down to the couch confused as to why she's so tired...Clearly she's been eating healthy with her "fruit smoothie" and two bites of ranch drenched salad...
Mochii chugs the remainder of her smoothie for an "energy boost" and tries the workout one last time ...Insanely full, she struggles to even do basic movements as she gasps for air and starts dripping with sweat..
Falling to the couch one final time, she takes the remaining slices of pizza and begins to binge eat , drinking garlic butter and chugging soda until her gargantuan gut pins her to the couch
"Well I can always try to workout again tomorrow" she says, as she drifts off to bed with a full belly of grease and fat...