I treated myself to some sushi and today. I love sushi and I love but makes me sooooo full! I need more room for the delicious sushi. You can see when the pressure builds up, I scrunch my face up and sometimes have to pat my chest a bit. Once I'm into my second, there are some really good burps going and I just have to make room to finish that sushi! I giggle, I'm embarassed at how loud some of my burps are, but they feel so good and I just want more sushi. I can't help but laugh and say "excuse me".
I treated myself to some sushi and today. I love sushi and I love but makes me sooooo full! I need more room for the delicious sushi. You can see when the pressure builds up, I scrunch my face up and sometimes have to pat my chest a bit. Once I'm into my second, there are some really good burps going and I just have to make room to finish that sushi! I giggle, I'm embarassed at how loud some of my burps are, but they feel so good and I just want more sushi. I can't help but laugh and say "excuse me".