In the early morning sun, I remove my shirt to reveal my firm, round C-cup breasts for you. I decide to enjoy the sensation of a breast massage using squirts of white lotion. I let you worship my breasts up close as I rub and squeeze my breasts together, tug and pinch my hard pink nipples, and slap and bounce them for you. Slowly, I bend forward and let my gorgeous breasts dangle in the sunlight. The only sound is that of me breathing.
In the early morning sun, I remove my shirt to reveal my firm, round C-cup breasts for you. I decide to enjoy the sensation of a breast massage using squirts of white lotion. I let you worship my breasts up close as I rub and squeeze my breasts together, tug and pinch my hard pink nipples, and slap and bounce them for you. Slowly, I bend forward and let my gorgeous breasts dangle in the sunlight. The only sound is that of me breathing.