I'm visiting you in prison, checking in to see how you're doing. No, I can't touch you here in the visiting room. You tell me how good I look, and how much you miss me, even tearing up a bit. Oh honey, you can't show any weakness in prison! Be a real man and hide your silly feelings. You're being used for sex again, aren't you? God, what a wimpy faggot husband you are. I expected as much, though. In fact, I've taken up with a new man while you're in prison. We go shopping, out to dinner every night, and on vacations, all using your money while you're suffering in prison.
I'm visiting you in prison, checking in to see how you're doing. No, I can't touch you here in the visiting room. You tell me how good I look, and how much you miss me, even tearing up a bit. Oh honey, you can't show any weakness in prison! Be a real man and hide your silly feelings. You're being used for sex again, aren't you? God, what a wimpy faggot husband you are. I expected as much, though. In fact, I've taken up with a new man while you're in prison. We go shopping, out to dinner every night, and on vacations, all using your money while you're suffering in prison.