Once Teresa had her cross trainers on, she was ready for more calf raises. Her first several dozen she did standing on the chair at just the right angle so the December light accented those bulging muscles of hers. And bulge they do, and ripple, too! A scene change, and Teresa is on the stairs leading up to the old room above her deli, doing calf raise after calf raise, the light from the single incandescent bulb illuminating the structure of the Mongo Big Calves of Teresa, including that hard knot on her left calf. After many dozens of calf raises, Teresa announced that she was getting tired!...
Once Teresa had her cross trainers on, she was ready for more calf raises. Her first several dozen she did standing on the chair at just the right angle so the December light accented those bulging muscles of hers. And bulge they do, and ripple, too! A scene change, and Teresa is on the stairs leading up to the old room above her deli, doing calf raise after calf raise, the light from the single incandescent bulb illuminating the structure of the Mongo Big Calves of Teresa, including that hard knot on her left calf. After many dozens of calf raises, Teresa announced that she was getting tired!...