I took a break between filming clips to vacuum the rug... and my perverted boyfriend thought it would be funny to film my ass while I cleaned, bent over and vacuumed the floor. Why not capitalize on this ridiculous footage? You idiots will pay for anything I tell you to... so go ahead a prove your devotion, prove how mindless you are, prove to me your desire to please and amuse me. I always smile every time one of you dorks buys a rip off clip! $$$
I took a break between filming clips to vacuum the rug... and my perverted boyfriend thought it would be funny to film my ass while I cleaned, bent over and vacuumed the floor. Why not capitalize on this ridiculous footage? You idiots will pay for anything I tell you to... so go ahead a prove your devotion, prove how mindless you are, prove to me your desire to please and amuse me. I always smile every time one of you dorks buys a rip off clip! $$$