You must be feeling really low right now loser for even considering buying this clip! It's so fun to laugh and destroy your self esteem- while I intentionally rip you off! At least you get to hear me laugh at what a moron you are while you stare like a fool into my toilet! This is what you crave- extreme of your wallet and your dignity! You are only good for one thing retard- your money! Look at you right now- you can't fight can't help being my piggie! I can't wait to laugh at what a helpless fool you are loser!!! Buy this now- prove what a douche bag dumb dumb you are! I'm extremel...
You must be feeling really low right now loser for even considering buying this clip! It's so fun to laugh and destroy your self esteem- while I intentionally rip you off! At least you get to hear me laugh at what a moron you are while you stare like a fool into my toilet! This is what you crave- extreme of your wallet and your dignity! You are only good for one thing retard- your money! Look at you right now- you can't fight can't help being my piggie! I can't wait to laugh at what a helpless fool you are loser!!! Buy this now- prove what a douche bag dumb dumb you are! I'm extremel...