Going to med school is extremely expensive. Think of all the loans you will have to repay after years and years of expensive schooling. Now, add the fact that you have a an extreme addiction to spending on my ass. You take out as many loans as you can to pay for med school, pay my ass... and try to live. But my ass has taken you over. Now you are maxing out credit cards right and left. You will be the poorest Doctor on the planet by the time you are finished with school, your debt will be out of control. You think I care? Nope! My fine ass, just wants more and more of your financial aid check!...
Going to med school is extremely expensive. Think of all the loans you will have to repay after years and years of expensive schooling. Now, add the fact that you have a an extreme addiction to spending on my ass. You take out as many loans as you can to pay for med school, pay my ass... and try to live. But my ass has taken you over. Now you are maxing out credit cards right and left. You will be the poorest Doctor on the planet by the time you are finished with school, your debt will be out of control. You think I care? Nope! My fine ass, just wants more and more of your financial aid check!...