Have your credit card out for this clip. In fact, have all your credit cards out before you watch this. You will worship me with your money, the proper way for a pig like you to show your devotion. I am money hungry and horny for you hard earned cash. I love the power and control I have over your finances, and how easy it is to exploit your financial fetish. You will spend like you have never spent before, as I penetrate your brain, and re-program you as my little pay puppet bitch.
Have your credit card out for this clip. In fact, have all your credit cards out before you watch this. You will worship me with your money, the proper way for a pig like you to show your devotion. I am money hungry and horny for you hard earned cash. I love the power and control I have over your finances, and how easy it is to exploit your financial fetish. You will spend like you have never spent before, as I penetrate your brain, and re-program you as my little pay puppet bitch.