POV: Human Ashtray for Bratty Raver
My Rating:
Category: Human Ashtray
Runtime: 8 minutes
Date Added: 9/27/2024


This rave is so lame and you're annoying the fuck out of me. Maybe the nicotine withdrawals are making me a cranky, bratty bitch, but I'm pretty sure you're the problem and what's giving me a headache (aside from the terrible music). Thank God I finally get a chance to drag you to the smoking section so I can smoke some goddamn fucking cigarettes. But since you've been running the ship all day, dragging me from stage to stage- I decide it's my turn to take control. I'm feeling extra sadistic and twisted today after putting up with your obnoxious personality just because you pay for everything ...
POV: Human Ashtray for Bratty Raver

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