Now Miranda decides it�s time for the crops, which are perfect for zeroing in on hard to pin-point target areas. After an initial inspection, Miranda pulls sub boy�s cock taut by the prince albert She had installed precisely for this reason and a pattering rain of crop swats ensue. But it�s not all bad. Miranda�s hand, sheathed in opera-length black satin gloves, keeps Her cock exactly where She wants it, creating a maddening mixture of tease & torment.
Now Miranda decides it�s time for the crops, which are perfect for zeroing in on hard to pin-point target areas. After an initial inspection, Miranda pulls sub boy�s cock taut by the prince albert She had installed precisely for this reason and a pattering rain of crop swats ensue. But it�s not all bad. Miranda�s hand, sheathed in opera-length black satin gloves, keeps Her cock exactly where She wants it, creating a maddening mixture of tease & torment.