Caroline loafer candy crush
My Rating:
Category: Crush
Runtime: 8 minutes
Date Added: 9/17/2013


Caroline dangles her loafers with candy inside, then crushes the candy her her shoes. 0-3 Caroline does shoeplay with candy in her shoe, where you can hear it rolling around the inside.Fast and slow, she bounces her foot up and down so you can hear the candy slap together in her shoe. 3-6 Caroline slowly crushes the 3 jellybeans one by one, until they are a dirty gooey mess under her shoe. Crunching with the front of her shoe, she smears them into the ground. 6-8 With the sticky mess on the ground, Caroline slowly crushes the goo, letting her foot down on it and slowly rolling it under her ...
Caroline loafer candy crush

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