Strung Out!, 2019-07-11
My Rating:
Category: Femdom
Runtime: 9 minutes
Date Added: 7/26/2019


In this clip, Madalynn-Raye has Doug in full suspension with a winch line attached to his genitals. Doug's arms are tied in opposing directions and he is suspended by a waist harness that is also tied to his genitals. Doug's ankles are tied to his thighs. He is completely helpless, as Maddy proceeds to tighten the line from his genitals to the winch behind him. He knows he can't give orders, so he thanks Maddy and hopes she will have mercy. She gags him and continues to tighten the winch line. She takes her time, because she knows she has Doug right where she wants him.

Strung Out!, 2019-07-11

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