Two Days in the Swamp, 2015-08-22
My Rating:
Runtime: 24 minutes
Date Added: 8/24/2015


Wearing tight jeans, a sleeveless shirt, and boots, Doug explores the swamp, gets very muddy, and eventually in a pool of "quicksand". The clip opens as Doug wades in the creek. After getting thoroughly wet, he drags his kayak up a muddy channel to a swampy wooded area. He walks through the woods and finds a soft spot where he sinks up to his crotch and struggles to free himself from the grip of the mud. In the next scene Doug is slogging through river mud. He gets his jeans completely covered in mud before he falls into the mud and finds himself sinking in bottomless quicksand, where he meets...
Two Days in the Swamp, 2015-08-22

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