I am an innocent inexperienced country girl. I seem very youthful, girl-next-door like, sweet, polite, and humble. I am delivering a heavy box to a new customer for my family business. When I hand it off to you at your door, you nearly collapse and almost drop the box. I am able to keep control and offer to bring it in for you. You reject at first, but I then insist. You look closer at me and see my pretty eyes, cute hair, and pumped arms. You softly direct me inside. I put the box down. I am quite tired at this point, and you insist that I rest and have some water. I ...
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I am an innocent inexperienced country girl. I seem very youthful, girl-next-door like, sweet, polite, and humble. I am delivering a heavy box to a new customer for my family business. When I hand it off to you at your door, you nearly collapse and almost drop the box. I am able to keep control and offer to bring it in for you. You reject at first, but I then insist. You look closer at me and see my pretty eyes, cute hair, and pumped arms. You softly direct me inside. I put the box down. I am quite tired at this point, and you insist that I rest and have some water. I take off my mask to drink. You compliment me on my strength. I explain about all the manual labor I do for my job, but I think all guys hate it. You ask me to flex my arms. I am shy about it and think it's strange, but I'm a nice girl and do it. However, I'm not quite sure how to do it and show a weak flex. I ask if I'm doing it right. You correct me by saying that I must tighten my fist and bend my elbow more. Then I do the perfect biceps flex like a natural. I then notice that you really like what you see, and I am starting to like the attention. I continue flexing even better and harder. I feel my biceps and couldn't believe how solid they are.
It's difficult for you to not stare, but you don't want to seem like a creep and push it too far; therefore you thank me and say I may leave. Craving for more attention, I ask if there are any other muscles that I can show. You ask about shoulders and chest. I quickly try to flex my chest and shoulders, and I fail. You instruct that it's like hugging a thick tree. I do it, and I realize that the vest I am wearing is blocking the view. I take off the vest and continue flexing your chest. I can see that you really like it. I flex harder and harder. I just love feeling strong and being admired for it...a feeling like I never felt before. It's almost orgasmic to me.
This continues for my abs and back. Then I do a medley of all muscles, really pumping each flex and pumping them hard. In my mind, I come to the conclusion that you like my strong chest the most, and I start flexing that more often. I tease you about it saying how I would test my strong hugging on you if it wasn't for covid.
It's getting late, and I have to get back to work. I do one final strong hug and blow an awkward kiss (kinda regretting it and blushing at the same time).