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Ruthless biceps of Alexa
My Rating:
Runtime: 12 minutes
Category: Fitness
Date Added: 06/06/20, 09:38 PM


"When was the last time we met? Tow months ago? And look at you! You look skinnier than ever. Your arms are so bony. You have no muscles what so ever. It's like you are smaller and smaller every time we met. I swear, one day you'll just evaporate and no one will even notice." Alexa is not kind to you, and you don't deserve her to be. She will make you fill worthless jus by flexing her sexy biceps. She'll do some dumbbells biceps curls and with every rep, you'll have less self-respect. Alexa is not here you comfort you. She knows what kind of pathetic loser you are, and how inferior you beco...

Ruthless biceps of Alexa

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