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Dana White Bikini Vascular Calves And Quads Hi Res
My Rating:
Runtime: 4 minutes
Category: Calves
Date Added: 09/14/10, 03:34 AM


Dana's legs are ripped and vascular. She flexes them on the stairs of the host hotel barefoot wearing a white bikini. She flexes her vascular quads with the camera getting close-ups and full-length shots. She also does leg curls standing to show a shredded hamstrings. She's really known for her calves and they're not forgotten in this clip. She reps them out and the definition and the veins are popping. There are great close-up shots of her shredded calf muscles contracting. You can see every little muscle fiber twitching each movement. Check her out in Hi Res!!
Dana White Bikini Vascular Calves And Quads Hi Res

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