Thats another wrestling challenge. Domino vs Me (mutiny). we were complaining about our stomachs..she was saying she is getting too skinny and I was saying I was gaining we should do something about it... but first, I thought to myself : why dont we test ourselves now, with some punches to the belly! I knew I would be able to beat her on that one...I did sit ups all week!! but its always very close and I need to get back in I can really win all the time aganist her... we are both wearing very small bikinis (shiny spandex
Thats another wrestling challenge. Domino vs Me (mutiny). we were complaining about our stomachs..she was saying she is getting too skinny and I was saying I was gaining we should do something about it... but first, I thought to myself : why dont we test ourselves now, with some punches to the belly! I knew I would be able to beat her on that one...I did sit ups all week!! but its always very close and I need to get back in I can really win all the time aganist her... we are both wearing very small bikinis (shiny spandex