Brooke and I were having a bit of a training session. Why we were wearing schoolgirls outfits I couldn't tell you, but you must admit we look good in them!
Anyway, Entropy walks in and starts with the usual macho chap. “You're not bad—for GIRLS.” You know me, I'm not good with that kind of talk. And Brooke, well, she's not a fan either. So we gave Entropy a little demonstration of our power, me squeezing him between my strong legs while Brooke squeezes him with her long legs.
We leave him on the mat and go change, but when we come back wearing short, tight Spandex dresses, he's still there, ...
Brooke and I were having a bit of a training session. Why we were wearing schoolgirls outfits I couldn't tell you, but you must admit we look good in them!
Anyway, Entropy walks in and starts with the usual macho chap. “You're not bad—for GIRLS.” You know me, I'm not good with that kind of talk. And Brooke, well, she's not a fan either. So we gave Entropy a little demonstration of our power, me squeezing him between my strong legs while Brooke squeezes him with her long legs.
We leave him on the mat and go change, but when we come back wearing short, tight Spandex dresses, he's still there, ...