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NWML Audition #08 Brittany vs Mutiny
My Rating:
Runtime: 9 minutes
Date Added: 09/23/13, 05:55 PM


We also shot that audition 3 years ago. Brittany asked me if we could give her marks on that audition. She lives quite far and if shes in the league she would be willing to come spend week ends with the girls but for the audition she was a little too far. In 3 years, she got way better, so she told me that if we say yes to her being in the league with that audition, which was her first match ever, well, she will be way better when she's going to wrestle the girls so it will be a great surprise for the judges. She is very talented and there is something special about her. The first time she ste...
NWML Audition #08 Brittany vs Mutiny

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