You'll never change
My Rating:
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 7/9/2022


Today I received an email from a boy who has been paying Me on and off since 2008. It made Me chuckle. There are so many of you who have been around for a long time. You vanish for short spells, like when you're seeing someone new, or your wife caught you and made you go to therapy, as if that ever works. Sometimes you cut up your credit cards, fighting the urge to submit so hard. It never works. You always come back. You can't stay away, you'll never change, you'll always be Mine.

Today I received an email from a boy who has been paying Me on and off since 2008. It made Me chuckle. There are so many of you who have been around for a long time. You vanish for short spells, like when you're seeing someone new, or your wife caught you and made you go to therapy, as if that ever works. Sometimes you cut up your credit cards, fighting the urge to submit so hard. It never works. You always come back. You can't stay away, you'll never change, you'll always be Mine.

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You'll never change

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