(All Levels)
Who knew that a necktie could be such a great yoga prop? In today's slow, stretchy class, we use a necktie to work deep into the muscles of inner and outer thigh and hamstring. Next, grab a partner to assist you into the most relaxing bridge and downward variations you'll ever experience. We close using the necktie to bring us deeply into a seated forward bend.
Visit: NakedYoga.c4slive.com/ (to become a Member to see all videos). NakedYogaSchool.com (to learn more about Naked Yoga), Facebook and Twitter.com/NakedYogaSchool (to get news) and watch Free Vid...
(All Levels)
Who knew that a necktie could be such a great yoga prop? In today's slow, stretchy class, we use a necktie to work deep into the muscles of inner and outer thigh and hamstring. Next, grab a partner to assist you into the most relaxing bridge and downward variations you'll ever experience. We close using the necktie to bring us deeply into a seated forward bend.
Visit: NakedYoga.c4slive.com/ (to become a Member to see all videos). NakedYogaSchool.com (to learn more about Naked Yoga), Facebook and Twitter.com/NakedYogaSchool (to get news) and watch Free Vid...