Sarah rests peacefully, unaware of the terrifying entering the room...the smoldering succubus Sophia Stone. Gazing down at her prey, Sophia slowly unzips her boots and seductively slips into the bed behind Sarah.
Watching Sarah intensely, Sophia hones her wicked gaze over Sarah's naked body. Releasing her spell, she awakens Sarah gently and slides on top of her, kissing her deeply and passionately. Sarah responds in kind, matching Sophia's kiss and accepting her long tongue into her mouth.
The passion begins to intensify and Sophia reaches down Sarah's hand and begins to ...
Sarah rests peacefully, unaware of the terrifying entering the room...the smoldering succubus Sophia Stone. Gazing down at her prey, Sophia slowly unzips her boots and seductively slips into the bed behind Sarah.
Watching Sarah intensely, Sophia hones her wicked gaze over Sarah's naked body. Releasing her spell, she awakens Sarah gently and slides on top of her, kissing her deeply and passionately. Sarah responds in kind, matching Sophia's kiss and accepting her long tongue into her mouth.
The passion begins to intensify and Sophia reaches down Sarah's hand and begins to ...