CUSTOM REQUEST - Julia is relaxing on her bed when she hears a strange noise. It sounded like the giggle of a girl. No! Make that TWO girls. And it’s coming from underneath her dresser. Fighting being frozen with fear, she slowly and cautiously crawls toward the end of the bed, not knowing what she is going to see.
As she reaches the end of the bed, she sees two green balloons expanding...and the giggles are getting louder. As the balloons continue to inflate, they begin to rise up from the bottom of the bed. Julia slink back onto the bed ...
CUSTOM REQUEST - Julia is relaxing on her bed when she hears a strange noise. It sounded like the giggle of a girl. No! Make that TWO girls. And it’s coming from underneath her dresser. Fighting being frozen with fear, she slowly and cautiously crawls toward the end of the bed, not knowing what she is going to see.
As she reaches the end of the bed, she sees two green balloons expanding...and the giggles are getting louder. As the balloons continue to inflate, they begin to rise up from the bottom of the bed. Julia slink back onto the bed as the balloons grow bigger and bigger and bigger. They have become huge and the eery laughter has intensified. Julia can’t bare to watch! She hides her face in her pillow. Just then, the two balloons pop! And Julia can’t believe what she is seeing. It’s two girls in green body suits. She can barely string words together to form a sentence due to her utter shock. She manages to stutter, “Who..who are you?” The green clad pair reply in unison, “We’re the Chaos girls and we’re here to have FUN!”
And with that, the two kiss and begin rubbing their breasts, laughing and giggling all the while. Julia is reeling with what has just happened and hardly notices the changes in the green pair...their boobs are beginning to expand! Together they giggle even louder as their tits reach the size of small watermelons. That’s when “Beta” announces that she will soon pop and the two are only too happy to usher in the explosive event.
Julia shrinks back against the wall to create as much distance as she can from this weird and wild pair. Just then...POW! Beta explodes and her green suit flies through the air and hits Julia right in the face. She is shocked and terrified. What just happened? But, before she has time to wrap her head around these strange events unfolding in her bedroom, that’s when “Alpha” consoles poor Julia. She says, “She always does that.” And that’s when she hears it. A faint giggle. Julia looks at Alpha, who is looking at the floor at the end of the bed. Slowly, another green balloon appears growing bigger and bigger and bigger. Beta’s giggles are becoming louder and louder as well until...POP! The balloon explodes and Beta re-appears.
Julia is flabbergasted. But the shock and awe soon turns to fear as both Alpha and Beta crawl toward Julia and grab her holding her on the bed. They use their balloon magic to make her boobs expand. Will she pop? Will she become a Chaos Girl?
You will have to find out!