Uncle Rico hears a knock on his hotel door. When he opens it he finds his cute little niece, Dakota Charms, standing there in her sexy little bikini. She says the rest of the group is headed down to the family lake house to go boating and waiting on him. He invites her in and says that he’s almost ready. He just needs to find one more thing before they leave. “If it’s sunscreen,” Dakota says, “we have plenty on the boat.’ He says it’s not sunscreen but something much more important. He instructs his impatient little niece to sit on the bed while he looks for it. She huffs impatiently and si...
Uncle Rico hears a knock on his hotel door. When he opens it he finds his cute little niece, Dakota Charms, standing there in her sexy little bikini. She says the rest of the group is headed down to the family lake house to go boating and waiting on him. He invites her in and says that he’s almost ready. He just needs to find one more thing before they leave. “If it’s sunscreen,” Dakota says, “we have plenty on the boat.’ He says it’s not sunscreen but something much more important. He instructs his impatient little niece to sit on the bed while he looks for it. She huffs impatiently and sits down crossing her arms in a bratty show of annoyance.
Just then the uncle exclaims, “Aha! Found it!” He turns around with a pretty ruby red crystal at the end of a silk strand. It’s so beautiful Dakota can not help but stare at it. She asks in a somewhat dazed voice, “What do you need that for at the lake, Uncle Rico?” He says it’s not for the lake, it’s for her. And with that, he snaps his fingers and she is in a trance. She is motionless as her uncle checks her reflexes to make sure she is completely under the spell. He then goes on to tell her that it is an old gypsy crystal he won in a back room poker game in Louisiana that has special powers and while under its spell, she will do anything he says.
To prove it, he commands her to stand up and do a strip tease. Just as he says, Dakota gets up from the bed and does a sexy strip tease peeling off her wrap and bikini. He commands her to be stop so he can grope her tiny breasts. Then he commands her to get on the bed and tweak that sweet little ass of hers. He chuckles as she complies and he gives her plump ass a few smacks.
With that, he snaps his fingers and Dakota is jolted from her trance. Groggy and slow she looks around and wonders aloud why she’s naked and on all fours. She looks around and sees her uncle ogling at her. She screams and shouts, “Uncle Rico! What are you doing in my room?” She tries to cover herself with the bits if bikini that are now on the floor as her uncle explains it’s actually HIS room. Bewildered, she looks around and sees it is actually his room. “Why the hell would I be in YOUR room..and naked,” she says breathlessly? He says that she was looking for something. “What could I possibly be looking for in your room...NAKED?!” He says he has no idea. “Maybe THIS,” he exclaims while producing the crystal?
Dakota is once again under the strange pendant’s spell and is now silent and still. Uncle Rico chuckles to himself as he grabs a dildo from his night stand. He orders Dakota to take it in her hand and then suck on it. She of course complies as her uncle moans in creepy delight. He then wonders what it would look like if he were to pretend it was his own cock and tells her to stop and hand the dildo over to him. He then places the dildo at his hips and orders Dakota on her knees to suck again, looking up at him and slurping away. As she takes the dildo in and out of her mouth, he snaps his fingers and Dakota is once again jerked back into a lucid and aware state. “What the hell,” she exclaims?!? “Was I sucking on your dick?” She wonders aloud what the hell is wrong with her. She cannot possibly be this lewd. She is so embarrassed and scrambling to find something to cover up with. She finds an oversized shirt to put on to cover herself from the prying eyes of her Uncle Rico. He laughs and shows her the pendant. Back she goes to the blank stare.
He tells her to lay back down on the bed which she does. He goes on to say that he not only has control over her mind, but he has control over her body and make it do anything he says as well. With the dildo she was sucking, he commands her to start using it on herself adding that as she gets closer and closer to climax, her boobs will swell and begin to inflate. Sure enough, as he stated, she works the dildo in and out of her pussy causing her boobs to inflate. As they grow bigger and bigger he goads her to keep going. He wants to see them as big as beach balls, then as big as yoga balls. He snaps his fingers as they reach monstrous proportions and Dakota is terrified. “What have you done,” she exclaims?! Uncle Rico just laughs as Dakota runs out of the room yelling, “Oh my god, I’m a freak! I’m a big boobed FREAK!”