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1 HOUR BEATDOWN! - Black on White SPANKING. Beat them hoes til they're red, black, and blue!
My Rating:
Runtime: 61 minutes
Category: Spanking M/f
Date Added: 03/23/10, 06:32 PM


MP4 Format for iPhone/iPod: HoLy ..... this one takes the cake for beatdowns. You guys been requesting more spanking/pain videos... We I got these 2 model chicks to finally agree to getting a good asswhupping as many of them so richly deserve, and this is a 1hr compilation of clips, interviews, behind the scenes, etc of some very intense asswhuppings. I asked the girls to just do something to piss me off and they called me, threw orange juice on me, wrecked my apt and more... so I had to put their cracker asses in check. These girls got beat with my bare black hand, wooden paddles, belts, and ...
1 HOUR BEATDOWN! - Black on White SPANKING. Beat them hoes til they're red, black, and blue!

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240p - mp4 398MB
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