Dorothy is out in the woods jogging, suddenly she feels some kind of aching pain around her big toe ..first she thinks its no big deal, but the pain is getting more and more annying so much she realizes that its hobble running and she can't stand it anymore . After she romoves her sneaker from the hurt foot its obvious that she can't put it back . So its time to . Her pain is so tense she can only hobble on the outside of her foot blade and on the heel. She can't put the first part of her foot down. After a while the pain is getting worst and worst so Dorothy starts hopping flamingo style. You...
Dorothy is out in the woods jogging, suddenly she feels some kind of aching pain around her big toe ..first she thinks its no big deal, but the pain is getting more and more annying so much she realizes that its hobble running and she can't stand it anymore . After she romoves her sneaker from the hurt foot its obvious that she can't put it back . So its time to . Her pain is so tense she can only hobble on the outside of her foot blade and on the heel. She can't put the first part of her foot down. After a while the pain is getting worst and worst so Dorothy starts hopping flamingo style. You...