I was walking along the road and the sun was shining high in the sky while the fresh morning air was invigorating me. As I walked I was observing the details around me, the leaves that were moving slightly in the wind and the flowers that were blooming in the private gardens. Suddenly I felt an urgent urge coming from my belly. I really was going to pee and I knew that I had to find a bathroom as soon as possible. I looked around and noticed a public garden a little further ahead. I increased my pace feeling the need growing more and more. When I finally entered the garden the scent of ...
I was walking along the road and the sun was shining high in the sky while the fresh morning air was invigorating me. As I walked I was observing the details around me, the leaves that were moving slightly in the wind and the flowers that were blooming in the private gardens. Suddenly I felt an urgent urge coming from my belly. I really was going to pee and I knew that I had to find a bathroom as soon as possible. I looked around and noticed a public garden a little further ahead. I increased my pace feeling the need growing more and more. When I finally entered the garden the scent of the flowers and the chirping of the birds welcomed me. I was struck by the serenity of the place but I couldn't waste time. I had to find a secluded corner where I could stop. I walked quickly between the trees and looked for a quiet place. At one point I stopped and looked around to make sure there was no one in sight. I found a corner hidden between two bushes and finally I felt safe. I sighed in relief as I finally let go of the pee. It was truly a moment of great liberation. I felt light and free as the urge that had nagged me the entire way dissolved. After I had everything in place I took a moment to enjoy the peace of the garden. I looked up at the blue sky above me listening to the sweet sounds of nature. A smile spread across my face as I thought about how sometimes the simplest moments can bring so much gratitude. Once I felt ready I continued on my way happy and relieved ready to face the rest of the day.
Sto camminando lungo la strada e il sole splendeva alto nel cielo mentre l'aria fresca del mattino mi rinvigoriva. Mentre passeggiavo osservavo i dettagli intorno a me le foglie che si muovevano leggermente nel vento e i fiori che sbocciavano nei giardini privati. Improvvisamente avvertii un impulso urgente provenire dalla mia pancia. La pipì stava davvero per scapparmi e sapevo che dovevo trovare un bagno al più presto. Guardai intorno e notai un giardino pubblico poco più avanti. Aumentai il passo sentendo il bisogno crescere sempre di più. Quando finalmente entrai nel giardino il profumo dei fiori e il cinguettio degli uccelli mi accolsero. Mi colpì la serenità del luogo ma non potevo perdere tempo. Dovevo trovare un angolo appartato dove potermi fermare. Camminai velocemente tra gli alberi e cercai un posto tranquillo. A un certo punto mi fermai e mi guardai attorno per assicurarmi che non ci fosse nessuno in vista. Trovai un angolo nascosto tra due cespugli e finalmente mi sentii al sicuro. Sospirai di sollievo mentre finalmente lasciavo andare la pipì. Fu davvero un momento di grande liberazione. Mi sentii leggera e libera mentre il bisogno che mi aveva assillato per tutto il tragitto si dissolse. Dopo aver sistemato tutto mi presi un momento per godermi la pace del giardino. Guardai il cielo azzurro sopra di me ascoltando il dolce suono della natura. Un sorriso si fece largo sul mio volto mentre ripensavo a come a volte i momenti più semplici possono portare tanta gratitudine. Una volta che mi sentii pronta ripresi il cammino felice e sollevata pronta ad affrontare il resto della giornata.