Eating candy with very sharp teeth
My Rating:
Category: Teeth Fetish
Runtime: 26 minutes
Date Added: 9/3/2021


Candy in the shape of bears of various colors, dinosaurs, crocodiles to eat and swallow very closely while I chew and swallow and dream of chewing everything leaving you alive but without the limbs, without the fingers without the hands. I want to devour you completely! Look how sharp and white my teeth are ... how big my mouth is, it can't give you any escape!

Caramelle a forma di orsetti di svariati colori, dinosauri, coccodrilli da mangiare e da ingoiare da molto vicino mentre mastico ed ingoio e sogno di masticarti tutto lasciarti vivo ma senza gli arti, senza le dita senza le ...

Eating candy with very sharp teeth

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