Nicoletta had a secret, a guilty pleasure that she only indulged in at home. As soon as she got home from work, she would throw off her stiff, formal clothes and slip into a pair of huge adult diapers. It wasn’t incontinence, but a feeling of comfort and regression that enveloped him like a warm blanket. The rustling of the plastic against his legs, the soft padding that muffled every movement, gave him a sense of peace and abandonment that he couldn’t find anywhere else. He moved around the house with unusual slowness, savoring every step, every rub of the diaper against his skin. Some...
Nicoletta had a secret, a guilty pleasure that she only indulged in at home. As soon as she got home from work, she would throw off her stiff, formal clothes and slip into a pair of huge adult diapers. It wasn’t incontinence, but a feeling of comfort and regression that enveloped him like a warm blanket. The rustling of the plastic against his legs, the soft padding that muffled every movement, gave him a sense of peace and abandonment that he couldn’t find anywhere else. He moved around the house with unusual slowness, savoring every step, every rub of the diaper against his skin. Sometimes he would sit on the sofa, sinking into the cushions, and let himself be lulled by that feeling of protection and intimacy. Nicoletta knew that her pleasure was unusual, perhaps bizarre for some. But she didn’t care. In those moments, with his secret well-kept within the walls of his home, he felt free to be himself, without judgment or constraints. Sometimes, while cooking or reading a book, Nicoletta would catch herself smiling. It was a smile of pure bliss, of someone who has found a little corner of paradise in a frenetic and chaotic world. And as in this beautiful video, she loved to fill it with warm urine and make it gigantic!
Nicoletta aveva un segreto, un piacere colpevole che si concedeva solo tra le mura domestiche. Appena rientrava dal lavoro, si liberava dei vestiti rigidi e formali e si infilava un paio di enormi pannoloni per adulti. Non si trattava di incontinenza, ma di una sensazione di comfort e regressione che lo avvolgeva come una calda coperta. Il fruscio della plastica contro le sue gambe, l'imbottitura soffice che attutiva ogni movimento, gli davano un senso di pace e abbandono che non riusciva a trovare altrove. Si muoveva per casa con una lentezza insolita, assaporando ogni passo, ogni sfregamento del pannolone contro la sua pelle. A volte si sedeva sul divano, sprofondando tra i cuscini, e si lasciava cullare da quella sensazione di protezione e intimità. Nicoletta sapeva che il suo piacere era insolito, forse bizzarro per alcuni. Ma non le importava. In quei momenti, con il suo segreto ben custodito tra le mura di casa, si sentiva libero di essere se stessa, senza giudizi o costrizioni. A volte, mentre cucinava o leggeva un libro, Nicoletta si sorprendeva a sorridere. Era un sorriso di pura beatitudine, di chi ha trovato un piccolo angolo di paradiso in un mondo frenetico e caotico. E come in questo bel video amava riempirlo di calda urina e renderlo gigantesco!