In the cramped room of the university dormitory, among piles of books and faded posters, Nicoletta was getting ready for her second job. The sun had already set, leaving room for the soft lights of the city filtering through the window. On the desk, the laptop was open, the webcam turned on and pointed at a carefully set up corner of the room. Nicoletta, a student by day and online performer by night, was specializing in English literature, but university fees, rent and daily expenses were an unsustainable burden for her pockets. So, a few months earlier, she had discovered the world of...
In the cramped room of the university dormitory, among piles of books and faded posters, Nicoletta was getting ready for her second job. The sun had already set, leaving room for the soft lights of the city filtering through the window. On the desk, the laptop was open, the webcam turned on and pointed at a carefully set up corner of the room. Nicoletta, a student by day and online performer by night, was specializing in English literature, but university fees, rent and daily expenses were an unsustainable burden for her pockets. So, a few months earlier, she had discovered the world of webcams and live streaming platforms. Initially shy and awkward, she had learned to manage her online image, to interact with users and to create a virtual space in which she felt at ease. She fixed her hair, checked her makeup in the laptop mirror and sat down on the chair. A shiver of excitement ran down her spine. With a click of the mouse, she activated the live broadcast. The screen filled with messages and greetings in different languages. She introduced herself as "Nyx", a mysterious figure wrapped in an aura of sensuality and mystery. Her shows were a mix of conversation, role playing and striptease. All of it very hardcore, of course. She had a large collection of fake cocks. That night, Nicoletta was feeling particularly inspired. Do you want to see what surprises she has in mind for you?
Nella stanza angusta del dormitorio universitario, tra pile di libri e poster sbiaditi, Nicoletta si preparava per il suo secondo lavoro. Il sole era già tramontato, lasciando spazio alle luci soffuse della città che filtravano attraverso la finestra. Sulla scrivania, il laptop era aperto, la webcam accesa e puntata su un angolo della stanza accuratamente allestito. Nicoletta studentessa di giorno e performer online di notte, si stava specializzando in letteratura inglese, ma le tasse universitarie, l'affitto e le spese quotidiane erano un peso insostenibile per le sue tasche. Così, qualche mese prima, aveva scoperto il mondo delle webcam e delle piattaforme di live streaming. Inizialmente timida e impacciata, aveva imparato a gestire la sua immagine online, a interagire con gli utenti e a creare uno spazio virtuale in cui sentirsi a suo agio. Si aggiustò i capelli, controllò il trucco nello specchio del laptop e si sedette sulla sedia. Un brivido di eccitazione le percorse la schiena. Con un clic del mouse, attivò la diretta. Lo schermo si riempì di messaggi e saluti in diverse lingue. Si presentava come "Nyx", una misteriosa figura avvolta in un'aura di sensualità e mistero. I suoi spettacoli erano un mix di conversazione, giochi di ruolo e striptease. Tutto ovviamente molto hardcore. Aveva una grande collezione di cazzi finti. Quella sera, Nicoletta si sentiva particolarmente ispirata. Vuoi vedere che sorprese ha in mente per te?