The afternoon sun filtered through the curtains of Nicoletta’s room, painting golden streaks on the wooden floor. Books and notes were scattered on the desk, silent witnesses to a long day of study. But Nicoletta, for once, had put aside her academic duties. Sitting on the edge of the bed, with a mischievous smile that lit up her face, she was taking out from the package a pair of black hold-ups, shiny and thin as a second skin. They were a birthday present, a whim she had allowed herself after weeks of saving. Nicoletta was not used to wearing hold-ups, but these had winked at her from...
The afternoon sun filtered through the curtains of Nicoletta’s room, painting golden streaks on the wooden floor. Books and notes were scattered on the desk, silent witnesses to a long day of study. But Nicoletta, for once, had put aside her academic duties. Sitting on the edge of the bed, with a mischievous smile that lit up her face, she was taking out from the package a pair of black hold-ups, shiny and thin as a second skin. They were a birthday present, a whim she had allowed herself after weeks of saving. Nicoletta was not used to wearing hold-ups, but these had winked at her from the shop window, with their promise of elegance and a hint of transgression. The lace sheath, decorated with small satin bows, encircled her thigh with an unexpected sweetness. When she finally stood up, Nicoletta admired herself in the full-length mirror. The stockings made her figure look slimmer, giving her a sophisticated yet sensual look. She smiled again, satisfied. She felt beautiful, confident, ready to conquer the world. Or at least, to start the evening with a touch more audacity. She took her phone and took a couple of selfies, to send to her best friend with a playful message: "Ready for the seduction mission!". Then, with one last look in the mirror, she slipped into a little black dress and left the house, ready to face the evening and fully enjoy her new, irresistible femininity.
Il sole del pomeriggio filtrava attraverso le tende della camera di Nicoletta, dipingendo strisce dorate sul pavimento in legno. Libri e appunti erano sparsi sulla scrivania, testimoni silenziosi di una lunga giornata di studio. Ma Nicoletta, per una volta, aveva messo da parte i doveri accademici. Seduta sul bordo del letto, con un sorriso malizioso che le illuminava il viso, stava estraendo dalla confezione un paio di calze autoreggenti nere, lucide e sottili come una seconda pelle. Erano un regalo di compleanno, un capriccio che si era concessa dopo settimane di risparmi. Nicoletta non era solita indossare calze autoreggenti, ma quelle le avevano fatto un occhiolino dalla vetrina del negozio, con la loro promessa di eleganza e un pizzico di trasgressione. La guaina in pizzo, decorata con piccoli fiocchetti di raso, le cingeva la coscia con una dolcezza inaspettata. Quando finalmente si alzò in piedi, Nicoletta si ammirò nello specchio a figura intera. Le calze le slanciavano la figura, donandole un'aria sofisticata e al tempo stesso sensuale. Sorrise di nuovo, soddisfatta. Si sentiva bella, sicura di sé, pronta a conquistare il mondo. O almeno, a iniziare la serata con un tocco di audacia in più. Prese il telefono e scattò un paio di selfie, da mandare all'amica del cuore con un messaggio scherzoso: "Pronta per la missione seduzione!". Poi, con un ultimo sguardo allo specchio, infilò un vestitino nero e uscì di casa, pronta ad affrontare la serata e a godersi appieno la sua nuova, irresistibile femminilità.