Nicoletta walked nervously towards the clinic. She was holding in her hands the request for the endoscopy, a test that she had been putting off for months. Anxiety tightened her stomach, not only because of the procedure itself, but also because she had succumbed to the temptation of a succulent roast chicken lunch just before leaving the house. The smell of chicken still lingered in her mouth, a tasty but inappropriate memory at the time. She knew she was supposed to show up fasting, but hunger got the better of her. As she entered the building, Nicoletta felt as if she had an emba...
Nicoletta walked nervously towards the clinic. She was holding in her hands the request for the endoscopy, a test that she had been putting off for months. Anxiety tightened her stomach, not only because of the procedure itself, but also because she had succumbed to the temptation of a succulent roast chicken lunch just before leaving the house. The smell of chicken still lingered in her mouth, a tasty but inappropriate memory at the time. She knew she was supposed to show up fasting, but hunger got the better of her. As she entered the building, Nicoletta felt as if she had an embarrassing secret. She imagined her doctor, during her examination, would discover her stomach full of chicken. She blushed at the thought of her, hoping that her pill was strong enough to make her forget the whole thing. Despite her embarrassment and anxiety, Nicoletta was determined to take the exam. She knew it was important for her health and that putting it off any longer would only make things worse. Entering the waiting room, Nicoletta sat down and tried to distract herself by leafing through a magazine. But the images of her food made her mouth water, reminding her of her sin of gluttony. When the nurse called her name, Nicoletta got up and headed towards the endoscopy room, ready to face the exam and the consequences of her chicken lunch.
In this video you will see: a real medical Vore exploration in the clinic with a stomach full of Curry Chicken that slowly melts against the fatty juices.
Nicoletta si diresse con passo nervoso verso la clinica. Stringeva tra le mani la richiesta per l'endoscopia, un esame che rimandava da mesi. L'ansia le stringeva lo stomaco, non solo per la procedura in sé, ma anche perché aveva ceduto alla tentazione di un succulento pranzo a base di pollo arrosto poco prima di uscire di casa. Il profumo del pollo le aleggiava ancora in bocca, un ricordo gustoso ma inopportuno in quel momento. Sapeva che avrebbe dovuto presentarsi a digiuno, ma la fame aveva avuto la meglio. Mentre entrava nell'edificio, Nicoletta si sentiva come se avesse un segreto imbarazzante. Immaginava la sua dottoressa, durante l'esame, avrebbe scoperto il suo stomaco pieno di pollo. Arrossì al pensiero, sperando che la pillola fosse abbastanza forte da farle dimenticare l'intera faccenda. Nonostante l'imbarazzo e l'ansia, Nicoletta era determinata ad affrontare l'esame. Sapeva che era importante per la sua salute e che rimandare ancora non avrebbe fatto altro che peggiorare le cose. Entrando nella sala d'attesa, Nicoletta si sedette e cercò di distrarsi sfogliando una rivista. Ma le immagini di cibo le facevano venire l'acquolina in bocca, ricordandole il suo peccato di gola. Quando l'infermiera chiamò il suo nome, Nicoletta si alzò e si diresse verso la sala dell'endoscopia, pronta ad affrontare l'esame e le conseguenze del suo pranzo a base di pollo.
In questo video vedrai: una vera esplorazione Vore medicale in clinica con stomaco pieno di pollo al Curry che si squaglia piano piano contro i succhi grastrici.